Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Deconstructing  Political E.D.: Electile Dysfunctionality


                      Howard Richler

On August 2nd  the writ was dropped in Canada. Stephen Harper advised Governor-General David Johnston to dissolve Parliament. Johnston then issued a writ of election for a new Parliament and the lengthy federal election season was underway. Actually, no writ is dropped ; writs of election are issued, and the sense of drop is idiomatic as in “drop a line” or “drop in.” The term “drop the writ” is a corruption of “draw up the writ” and in 2005 the CBC issued a style memorandum to journalists advising them not to drop the drop the writ phrase but being more colourful than the “correct” term, it has endured.

An electoral term with a surprising origin is “riding.” Only in Canada is an electoral district referred to by this term but we have to look to Yorkshire, England for the word's provenance. One would suppose that the term has something to do with the verb “to ride” but such is not the case. Until 1974, Yorkshire was divided for administrative purposes into three ridings and the key word here is “three.” The word riding came into English in the 15th century from Old Norse thrithjungr, “third part” and was originally rendered in English as “trithing.”

Just as “riding” is not connected to “ride,” the word candidate is not related to the candid nature of those seeking office. If candidates were etymologically correct, they would wear white clothes as the word derives from the Latin candidatus, “dressed in white.” In ancient Rome is was the custom for those standing for election in the Senate to don white togas probably in an attempt to convince the populace they were as pure as snow.

Another word that only appears during an election is “hustings,” and as we know candidates are prone to hitting them during campaigns. The Canadian Oxford Dictionary defines “hustings” as “The political campaigning leading up to an election, e.g., canvassing votes and making speeches.” The word was originally rendered in the singular and literally means “house thing” but “thing” originally had the sense of “assembly,” and these council meetings would be called by a lord or king and attended by his particular “house.” Over time “husting” acquired other specific meanings such as a court of law in the Guildhall in London and a platform on which candidates stood to address the electorate. In the 20th century “hustings” has come to refer to the general hullabaloo created during an election campaign.

When you cast your ballot, you might take solace that although riding doesn't derive from ride, ballot does come from “ball” as we borrowed the word from the Italian ballotta, “little ball.” In days of yore, people often voted by dropping little balls into a receptacle. Related to “ballot” is the idea that since a white ball often meant a “yes” vote and a black ball designated a “no” vote, the term blackball came to refer to exclusion from a club in the late 18th century.

By the way, if you believe that politicians are crooks, it might be because you somehow intuited that etymologically the word “Tory” is associated with thievery. According to the OED, the original sense of Tory, “In the 17th century, {was} one of the dispossessed Irish, who became outlaws, subsisting by plundering and killing the English settlers and soldiers.” Lest you find this anti-Irish, you can take small comfort from knowing that the OED points out that within a decade the word's banditry label was extended to other races, such as Scottish Highlanders. It quickly became a term to refer to any Irish Papist and by the middle of the seventeenth century the word was often used by British commentators as a synonym for “bandit.” Through a process of major political flip-flopping over the years, this term originally referring to brigands came to refer to those who vigorously supported the Crown.

Now that you're lexically prepared, don't neglect to follow the dropping of the writ and vote for the candidate in your riding by dropping the ball for the party who might be Tory, but certainly doesn't harbour bandits ( with the possible exception of a handful of Senators).

Howard Richler's book Word Play: Arranged & Deranged Wit will be published in 2016.



 1101-What do these words have in common? lunkhead, blip, bronto saurian,bicentennial,, cocoon(verb sense)

1102-Discern the convergent words: let-pea-lit    ale-sea-striped    hawk-corner-pot

1103 What do these words have in common?  factorable-ligament-salamander

1104- Discern the convergent words    age-ally-bitter   batter-nuts-barrel    jumps-an-pop

1105 Name a 3 word palindromic phrase that means pretend to be a fabulist 

1106 Discern the convergent words -nest-dog-tin    check-space--hop    rhyme-glass-black

1107-Find the 2 letter combinations that expands each set of the following groupings of words: The added letters must appear inside rather than outside the shorter word.  After having done this combine each set of 2 letter words to form an 8 letter word. For extra points anagrammatize this word into another word.

*For one or more of the grouping of words there is more than one possible answer, but only one of the options will allow the formation of an 8 letter word.





1108- Discern the convergent words shvitzer-jumper-polo    black-brown-body   bag-box-brake

1109-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means New World screen process 

1110- Discern the convergent words slaps-led-deer   garden-mail-sea    rat-Scottish-wheaten   

1111- Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means pure swindlers   

1112 Discern the convergent words out -slash-ground    out -car-coerce       out-pot-loo

1113- Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means sixth man in bball

1114- Discern the convergent words   off -loud-wash    off-book-forward     off-pick-bill

1115- What do these words have in common?

eye-tail-cart infinitude-sensuous-impassive-debauchery-criticize-pandemonium

1116- Discern the convergent words  eye-winter-black     eye-horse-fight   

1117- What do these words have in common? plaid-emotion-bath

1118- Discern the convergent words   kicks-mince-sour  ball-water-winter   almond-bone-breast

1119- What do these words have in common? butterfingers-the creeps- devil-may-care-flummox-sawbones 

1120- Discern the convergent words back-Canadian-sandwich     New York-tennis-toasted 


1121- Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means balanced sexual excitement 

1122- Discern the convergent words murmur-function-open   spur-idle-wish     grass-grey-less    

1123- What do these words have in common? toboggan-caucus-totem 

1124- Discern the convergent words  hole-fire-tv   smokes-story-processing   huge-tree-wooly

1125- Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means extra vigorous strong currents

1126- Discern the convergent words.  rum-bread-golden     pus-my-bled    butternut-lemon-racket 

 1127-Find the 2 letter combinations that expands each set of the following groupings of words: The added letters must appear inside rather than outside the shorter word of someone connected to the world of music. For extra points anagrammatize this person into another word

a)leer-bled-bluer  b)set-sikh-ahead   c) regent-decal-anal  d) lased-manic-betting

1128- Discern the convergent words rust-way-seat   black-golden-strap   rein -maker-in

1129- Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means Spanish sputum  

1130- Discern the convergent words antelope-for-pin      crossing-fish-mussel     bet-blue-on

1131- What do these words have in common? titchy-doily-bowdlerize   

1132-- Discern the convergent words orange-piercing-ring      spur-red-idle       deep-nut-war

1133- Aside from starting with an A, What do these words have in common?  alcohol, algebra , algorithm, alcove, alkali, azimuth, almanac, alchemy, assasssin

1134- Discern the favor-house-paste   frozen-plain-vanilla      pole-coffee-salad

1135-What do these countries have in common?   China, Denmark, Ecuador, Uzbekistan

1136- Discern the convergent words   supreme-wing-yellow    dragon-green-lounge    rock-skin-tears

1137 Name a 2 word palindromic phrase that means bread from Indochina  

1138- Discern the convergent words   utility-way-smack    ice-white-able     air-fire-rubber

1139- Name a 2 word palindromic phrase that means Middle East umbilicus       

1140-Discern the convergent words: right-tree-pea  bone-cap-fracture      middle-butter-ring

1141Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means  most joyous elegies

1142-Discern the convergent words: swig-convergent words breast -shoot-trot      mar-be-sloe    butter- pie-wood 

1143-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phase that punnisly descibes pastoral literature

1144- Discern the convergent words ice-soda-thrash    ice-my-pearl       ice-pot-bag

1145-What do these words have in common?   tamale-tomato-coyote

1146- Discern the convergent words cap-fart-tree cap-jerk-wounded knee   cap-fracture-numb

1147- Find the 2 letter combinations that expands each set of the following groupings of words: The added letters must appear inside rather than outside the shorter word.  After having done this combine each set of 2 letter words to form an 8 letter word. For extra points anagrammatize this person into another word





1148- Discern the convergent words  son-rot-sing     boar-blood- roll   sailor-mine-away

1149-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that can describe the golden calf & The Beatles  

1150- Discern the convergent words belly-buck-corn   faced-nut-salt  boat-bonus-train

1151-Namea 2 word anagrammatic phrase that refers to a  garment worn by Taras Bulba

1152- Discern the convergent words loan-infested-hammer   shrew-seal-ears    dog-love-flu

1153- What do these words have in common? nicotine-martinet-leotard

1154- Discern the convergent words head-chop-stew   alight-ocean-pole  barrel-jar-juice

1155- What do these words have in common? watt-macadam-dunce

1156- Discern the convergent words   heat-as-pea  go-oaf-can  go-of-egg

1157 What do these words have in common? Nosy parker,   condom , hooker  

1158- Discern the convergent words run-whole-condensed    a-sweet-Indian  sweet-stick-short

1159 What do these places have in common?  Rome,Italy   Lima,Peru    Qom,Iran

1160 Discern the convergent words   hush-love-mill    black-eye-sea     her-hit-man

1161-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that refers to a bird flying over a European river.

1162 Discern the convergent words -hole-hip-chart  died- oat-cereal      oil-color-branch

1163-  What do these words have in common? ministries-scent-stance   

1164- Discern the convergent words  key-red-sin  sea-song-white    cock-sea-red

1165-a)Name a famous person where the  position of letters in the first name and last name contain  only odd letters of the alphabet( 10 letters minimum). E,g a=1    c=3

1166-Discern the convergent words :painted-stand-picked  fight-iron-pump

1167-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that refers to Adam West before he grew up.

1168 Discern the convergent words dive-blue -picking    flat-pussy-a   weapon-or-bar

1169-Name an American & Canadian city that is an anagram to an animal.

1170- Discern the convergent words reading-lower-id    steak-eye-tease   test-orange-true

1171- What do these words have in common? draconian-thespian-mausoleum 

1172- Discern the convergent words pickled-sandwich-water    cloth-avoid-dead


1173 What do these words have in common?       bacteria-imbecile-fascist   

1174 Discern the convergent words  long-lock-loo  word-turner-be  clearing-singing-deep

1175-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means porcine strong tissue   

1176- Discern the convergent words  ding-eat-boast  crossing-mussel-referee   deer-fiddles-led

1177 Find the 2 letter combinations that expands each set of the following groupings of words: The added letters-must appear inside rather than outside the shorter word.  After having done this combine each set of 2 letter words to form an 8 letter word. For extra points anagrammatize this word into another word,

 a)rend-enate-reined    b) improve-rapt-realm   c)vicious-bling-pent  d)cater-hated-Maine

1178- Discern the convergent words   he-master-ski    led-red-sugar    ally-bitter-flower 

1179- What do these places  have in common?       Orem, Utah   Utica, New York,  Price, Utah

1180 Discern the convergent words   repellant-bug-fly  complain-by-king  train-pack-gem

1181-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that refers to a  squashed gastropod  

1182 Discern the convergent words    ices-atlantic-piece pound-sit-top hunter-skin-crossing

1183 What do these words have in common?        hippopotamus-curtail-chagrin

1184 Discern the convergent words  passion-bat-less  apple-fire-pear  grinder-pot-talk

1185- What do these words have in common?         pedigree-halcyon-alcatraz

1186 Discern the convergent words  ad-up-code  blue-pleated-ripped   bossy-cargo-dress

1187- What do these words have in common?       lobster-midget-paparazzi

1188- Discern the convergent words  felt-by-muscle   whip-backs-out   forty-a-nine

Quiz#1189-Find the 2 letter combinations that expands each set of the following groupings of words: The added - he-must appear inside rather than outside the shorter word.  After having done this combine each set of 2 letter words to form an 8 letter word. For extra points anagrammatize this word  into the surname of a former great champion.

 a)semite-colic-cling      b)reined-enate-rend   c)denied-maroon-lotion  d)bough-sang-though  

1190- Discern the convergent words  pit-whip-pen      pit-wood-cold      pit-bug-tolerate

1191  a)Name a part of the body that is an anagram to a former world leader.

b)Name a body part that is an anagram to an Asian city.

1192- Discern the convergent words  peel-dud-pepper  short-johnny-ash    cannon-ski-shed

1193-Name a food that is an anagram to an animal.

1194 Discern the convergent words  seas-fear-town    ski-or-able      bomber-drawers-long

1195-Name a Canadian city that is an anagram to an Asian nationality.

1196- Discern the convergent words: ball-bat-wicket     rock-skin-tears     boast-ding-eat

1197-a)Name a US city that is an anagram to a world capital.

b)Name a world capital that is an anagram to an animal (not including Manila)

c)Name a world capital that is an anagram to a country..

1198- Discern the convergent words  ball -pin-do     ball-glad-dog    ball-wooden-contact

1199- What do these words have in common?        donnybrook-millinery- cantaloupe

1200- Discern the convergent words  mango-old-banana    butter-not-cupcake    headache-bean-shop


 1101-What do these words have in common? lunkhead, blip, bronto saurian,bicentennial,, cocoon(verb sense)

1102-Discern the convergent words: let-pea-lit    ale-sea-striped    hawk-corner-pot

1103 What do these words have in common?  factorable-ligament-salamander

1104- Discern the convergent words    age-ally-bitter   batter-nuts-barrel    jumps-an-pop

1105 Name a 3 word palindromic phrase that means pretend to be a fabulist 

1106 Discern the convergent words -nest-dog-tin    check-space--hop    rhyme-glass-black

1107-Find the 2 letter combinations that expands each set of the following groupings of words: The added letters must appear inside rather than outside the shorter word.  After having done this combine each set of 2 letter words to form an 8 letter word. For extra points anagrammatize this word into another word.

*For one or more of the grouping of words there is more than one possible answer, but only one of the options will allow the formation of an 8 letter word.





1108- Discern the convergent words shvitzer-jumper-polo    black-brown-body   bag-box-brake

1109-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means New World screen process 

1110- Discern the convergent words slaps-led-deer   garden-mail-sea    rat-Scottish-wheaten   

1111- Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means pure swindlers   

1112 Discern the convergent words out -slash-ground    out -car-coerce       out-pot-loo

1113- Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means sixth man in bball

1114- Discern the convergent words   off -loud-wash    off-book-forward     off-pick-bill

1115- What do these words have in common?

eye-tail-cart infinitude-sensuous-impassive-debauchery-criticize-pandemonium

1116- Discern the convergent words  eye-winter-black     eye-horse-fight   

1117- What do these words have in common? plaid-emotion-bath

1118- Discern the convergent words   kicks-mince-sour  ball-water-winter   almond-bone-breast

1119- What do these words have in common? butterfingers-the creeps- devil-may-care-flummox-sawbones 

1120- Discern the convergent words back-Canadian-sandwich     New York-tennis-toasted 


1121- Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means balanced sexual excitement 

1122- Discern the convergent words murmur-function-open   spur-idle-wish     grass-grey-less    

1123- What do these words have in common? toboggan-caucus-totem 

1124- Discern the convergent words  hole-fire-tv   smokes-story-processing   huge-tree-wooly

1125- Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means extra vigorous strong currents

1126- Discern the convergent words.  rum-bread-golden     pus-my-bled    butternut-lemon-racket 

 1127-Find the 2 letter combinations that expands each set of the following groupings of words: The added letters must appear inside rather than outside the shorter word of someone connected to the world of music. For extra points anagrammatize this person into another word

a)leer-bled-bluer  b)set-sikh-ahead   c) regent-decal-anal  d) lased-manic-betting

1128- Discern the convergent words rust-way-seat   black-golden-strap   rein -maker-in

1129- Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means Spanish sputum  

1130- Discern the convergent words antelope-for-pin      crossing-fish-mussel     bet-blue-on

1131- What do these words have in common? titchy-doily-bowdlerize   

1132-- Discern the convergent words orange-piercing-ring      spur-red-idle       deep-nut-war

1133- Aside from starting with an A, What do these words have in common?  alcohol, algebra , algorithm, alcove, alkali, azimuth, almanac, alchemy, assasssin

1134- Discern the favor-house-paste   frozen-plain-vanilla      pole-coffee-salad

1135-What do these countries have in common?   China, Denmark, Ecuador, Uzbekistan

1136- Discern the convergent words   supreme-wing-yellow    dragon-green-lounge    rock-skin-tears

1137 Name a 2 word palindromic phrase that means bread from Indochina  

1138- Discern the convergent words   utility-way-smack    ice-white-able     air-fire-rubber

1139- Name a 2 word palindromic phrase that means Middle East umbilicus       

1140-Discern the convergent words: right-tree-pea  bone-cap-fracture      middle-butter-ring

1141Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means  most joyous elegies

1142-Discern the convergent words: swig-convergent words breast -shoot-trot      mar-be-sloe    butter- pie-wood 

1143-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phase that punnisly descibes pastoral literature

1144- Discern the convergent words ice-soda-thrash    ice-my-pearl       ice-pot-bag

1145-What do these words have in common?   tamale-tomato-coyote

1146- Discern the convergent words cap-fart-tree cap-jerk-wounded knee   cap-fracture-numb

1147- Find the 2 letter combinations that expands each set of the following groupings of words: The added letters must appear inside rather than outside the shorter word.  After having done this combine each set of 2 letter words to form an 8 letter word. For extra points anagrammatize this person into another word





1148- Discern the convergent words  son-rot-sing     boar-blood- roll   sailor-mine-away

1149-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that can describe the golden calf & The Beatles  

1150- Discern the convergent words belly-buck-corn   faced-nut-salt  boat-bonus-train

1151-Namea 2 word anagrammatic phrase that refers to a  garment worn by Taras Bulba

1152- Discern the convergent words loan-infested-hammer   shrew-seal-ears    dog-love-flu

1153- What do these words have in common? nicotine-martinet-leotard

1154- Discern the convergent words head-chop-stew   alight-ocean-pole  barrel-jar-juice

1155- What do these words have in common? watt-macadam-dunce

1156- Discern the convergent words   heat-as-pea  go-oaf-can  go-of-egg

1157 What do these words have in common? Nosy parker,   condom , hooker  

1158- Discern the convergent words run-whole-condensed    a-sweet-Indian  sweet-stick-short

1159 What do these places have in common?  Rome,Italy   Lima,Peru    Qom,Iran

1160 Discern the convergent words   hush-love-mill    black-eye-sea     her-hit-man

1161-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that refers to a bird flying over a European river.

1162 Discern the convergent words -hole-hip-chart  died- oat-cereal      oil-color-branch

1163-  What do these words have in common? ministries-scent-stance   

1164- Discern the convergent words  key-red-sin  sea-song-white    cock-sea-red

1165-a)Name a famous person where the  position of letters in the first name and last name contain  only odd letters of the alphabet( 10 letters minimum). E,g a=1    c=3

1166-Discern the convergent words :painted-stand-picked  fight-iron-pump

1167-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that refers to Adam West before he grew up.

1168 Discern the convergent words dive-blue -picking    flat-pussy-a   weapon-or-bar

1169-Name an American & Canadian city that is an anagram to an animal.

1170- Discern the convergent words reading-lower-id    steak-eye-tease   test-orange-true

1171- What do these words have in common? draconian-thespian-mausoleum 

1172- Discern the convergent words pickled-sandwich-water    cloth-avoid-dead


1173 What do these words have in common?       bacteria-imbecile-fascist   

1174 Discern the convergent words  long-lock-loo  word-turner-be  clearing-singing-deep

1175-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means porcine strong tissue   

1176- Discern the convergent words  ding-eat-boast  crossing-mussel-referee   deer-fiddles-led

1177 Find the 2 letter combinations that expands each set of the following groupings of words: The added letters-must appear inside rather than outside the shorter word.  After having done this combine each set of 2 letter words to form an 8 letter word. For extra points anagrammatize this word into another word,

 a)rend-enate-reined    b) improve-rapt-realm   c)vicious-bling-pent  d)cater-hated-Maine

1178- Discern the convergent words   he-master-ski    led-red-sugar    ally-bitter-flower 

1179- What do these places  have in common?       Orem, Utah   Utica, New York,  Price, Utah

1180 Discern the convergent words   repellant-bug-fly  complain-by-king  train-pack-gem

1181-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that refers to a  squashed gastropod  

1182 Discern the convergent words    ices-atlantic-piece pound-sit-top hunter-skin-crossing

1183 What do these words have in common?        hippopotamus-curtail-chagrin

1184 Discern the convergent words  passion-bat-less  apple-fire-pear  grinder-pot-talk

1185- What do these words have in common?         pedigree-halcyon-alcatraz

1186 Discern the convergent words  ad-up-code  blue-pleated-ripped   bossy-cargo-dress

1187- What do these words have in common?       lobster-midget-paparazzi

1188- Discern the convergent words  felt-by-muscle   whip-backs-out   forty-a-nine

Quiz#1189-Find the 2 letter combinations that expands each set of the following groupings of words: The added - he-must appear inside rather than outside the shorter word.  After having done this combine each set of 2 letter words to form an 8 letter word. For extra points anagrammatize this word  into the surname of a former great champion.

 a)semite-colic-cling      b)reined-enate-rend   c)denied-maroon-lotion  d)bough-sang-though  

1190- Discern the convergent words  pit-whip-pen      pit-wood-cold      pit-bug-tolerate

1191  a)Name a part of the body that is an anagram to a former world leader.

b)Name a body part that is an anagram to an Asian city.

1192- Discern the convergent words  peel-dud-pepper  short-johnny-ash    cannon-ski-shed

1193-Name a food that is an anagram to an animal.

1194 Discern the convergent words  seas-fear-town    ski-or-able      bomber-drawers-long

1195-Name a Canadian city that is an anagram to an Asian nationality.

1196- Discern the convergent words: ball-bat-wicket     rock-skin-tears     boast-ding-eat

1197-a)Name a US city that is an anagram to a world capital.

b)Name a world capital that is an anagram to an animal (not including Manila)

c)Name a world capital that is an anagram to a country..

1198- Discern the convergent words  ball -pin-do     ball-glad-dog    ball-wooden-contact

1199- What do these words have in common?        donnybrook-millinery- cantaloupe

1200- Discern the convergent words  mango-old-banana    butter-not-cupcake    headache-bean-shop