Saturday, May 2, 2020


2801-Discern     boiler-long-executive     clip-rod-coo     blouse-girl-jumper
2802-Commonality      lose-price-reed     
2803-Words in a Word   sanctified bird’s home          (h)      8  
2804-Discern      screech-magazine-night    fast-current-pigeon     comeback-joke-ball
2805-Anagram   Might create a mist
2806-Split Definitive    criticize locks of hair    (d)   (10)
2807-Discern     paint-pan-per      fry-up-cake       milk-mill-soya
2808-Commonality     semen-defected-pizza 
2809-Words in a Word   marry vomit  (r)     8 
2810-Discern   eater-dear-brown     stick-sailor-seat    skinny-Spanish-vanilla   
2811-Commonality     adds-ants-char-inks-star       
2812-Split Definitive    wear musical scale   (d)  (6)    
2813-Discern   orange-ox-pure    board-brace-bum    grass-oil-horse
2814-Commonality   hears-butt-mitt
2815-Word in a Word    head covering parent   (h)     7
2816-Discern    white-fin-end     velvet-pump-close     shut-my-let
2817-Anagram     Newspaper piece solo performance   
2818-Split Definitive        maintain getting older   (a)  (9)
2819-Discern    chart-eating-meat     berry-weak-cloth   bread-chips-wrap
2820-Commonality      copied-spiel-India 
2821-Words in a Word           sick main route                                      (a)    9
2822-Discern    he-ration-led    deer-driver-train    rat-bag-flicker
2823-Anagram    Departures are
2824-Split Definitive       spot bog   (a)  (6)
2825-Discern    prong-pipe-leg   north-plant-jerk   spots-high-calf
2826-Commonality    sorry-atone-gland 
2827-Word in a Word        follow      healing                                             (t)     11
2828-Discern    knot-up-pay    army-black-leg     hamper- up-wooden
2829-Commonality     stabilization-subcranial-synecdoche-safeguarded-schmoozefest
2830-Split Definitive    beseech frost coating          (r)     (7)
2831-Discern    basin-rail-set     push-in-razor     beach-car-calf
2832-Commonality   globe-going-cling    
2833-Words in a Word   clear consuming    (e)   11   
2834-Discern   log-American-moon   pocket-wrap-bread    arctic-broil-coal
2835-Commonality   reach-reduce-rebate   
2836-Split Definitive        dancing club extremely   (d)   (9)
2837-Discern    wood-hay-robin      cad-dog-body     collar-market-bite
2838-Commonality      contrite-reffed-alms
2839-Words in a Word          deadly poison tangle                                      (b)    8
2840-Discern    catcher- fork-season     bed-bake-up     garden-mail-slipper 
2841-Anagram   Fatigue of one who disagrees  
2842-Split Definitive       fool someone sworn to deliver a verdict   (c)    (8)
2843-Discern    night-tail-brown             pocket-grey-room     gas-iron-death
2844-Anagram    Most depressed baby hooters   
2845-Words in a Word          loud persistent noise of the mouth  (d)   
2846-Discern   an-led-rate   altar-way-car   stone-wheel-san
2847-Anagram   Amusement park thug
2848-Split Definitive      symbolic representation of a prisoner  (n)   (11)
2849-Discern    fish-bell-truck      shot-mold-cake   an-butter-fruit
2850-Anagram    proficient at watching TV on internet-connected devices   
2851-Words in a Word          refuse rest                                                        (s)     7
2852-Discern    mother-heat-pea   pusillanimous-little-fat            cut-hole-computer
2853-Commonality     complied-shed-pica 
2854-Split Definitive      in favour of relevance   (b)   (10)
2855-Discern     dull-ice-cake     altar-cooler-bar    waste-wings-well
2856-Anagram   long, coarse grass found near certain harbours   
2857-Words in a Word         even one or a little curved structure    (a)     7   
2858-Discern   block-blood-raw       rose-tragically-readers    wise-wipe-ail
2859-Commonality    vacation-miner-artery 
2860- Split Definitive    in favour of needle    (t)  (8)
2861-Discern       up-hill -oust    car-candy-I     blue-rice-let
2862-Anagram     attacker of German shepherds  
2863-Words in a Word    puny coin domination   (d)    8   
2864-Discern    horseshoe-man-ding   salad-sand-snow   swig-cliff-gulp
2865-Anagram    SW US city  in a position between vertical and horizontal
2866-Split Definitive    expert at checking the internet    (s)     (7)  
2867-Discern     leaves-mental-bar    wash-bad-timer      pink-up-dry
2868-Anagram   Singer who investigates deaths    

2869-Words in a Word    French priest animal flesh         (m)    8  
2870-Discern     handed-emoter-bucking         sauce-big-say        pus-punch-pled
2871-Anagram      citizen of a particular country when not in open court   
2872-Split Definitive    in favor of protecting something    (w)   (10)  
2873-Discern    balloon-bed-bypass      gum-strapping-top-      let-on-out
2874-Anagram     for sooth rejected    
2875-Words in a Word    egg-shaped in the past   (e)   9     
2876-Discern    sanitizer-saw-first       up-red-hip          spa-splitting-spray
2877-Anagram   Eastern European petty objections  
2878-Split Definitive    basic structure friend    (f)   (8)
2879-Discern     roll-guns-pocket       jam-turf-drag       middle-beat-sing
2880-Commonality   cubic-sped-used 
2881-Words in a Word          family excrement    (d)    7
2882-Discern   on-up-egg    tomato-age-bed       bread-ale-root
2883-Commonality    aria-later-tenet    
2884-Split Definitive    alleviate; relating to you   (t)   (7)
2885-Discern    swim-able-room   elevator-tap-cover   sanitary-rust-way
2886-Commonality     bugle-adored-divided  
2887-Words in a Word     non-crystalline silica muscle twitch      (o)   7
2888-Discern      ion-check-horn      yellow-ally-ding    gases-give-lust
2889-Anagram    Blasphemy respectful of others  
2890-Split Definitive    wise social gathering  (d)   (6)
2891-Discern    chesnut-charlie-clothes    fly-owed-fish      temple-screech-magazine
2892- Commonality       ably-coned-reed
2893-Commonality            Pester ordered collection                      (n)     7      
2894-Discern   lecher-old-cheese    balm-lily-woods      polo-up-tail
2895-Anagram    Attack something with gunfire in a more speedy fashion  
2896- Split Definitive      dog goes mad  (r)    (8)
2897-Discern   balm-cut-cows    shield-scar-soap    tag-little-turf
2898-Anagram    Bay window overlooking European river
2899- Words in a Word           burn sudden increase              (c)      9
2900- Discern    sweet-mill-pot     tap-ice-closet       wood-memory-ping