Friday, August 22, 2014

Facebook Puzzles- 751-800


751-What do these words have in common? coat-etude-tenon

752-Discern the convergent words: sweet-money-short animal-jack-nut milk-bar-chip

753-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means imagines skin of tarty dessert

754- Discern the convergent words: boy-ornament-robin buckle-way-utility sports-vest-shy

755-What do these words have in common? ombudsman-rutabaga-orienteering (the sport)

756- Discern the convergent words: gold-story-silver heaven-tied-wash avoid-orange-soup

757-What do these words have in common? audio-vetoed-oaken

758-Discern the convergent words: ability-atlantic-cape melt-salad-sandwich hip-cottage-pizza

759-What do these words have in common? donnybrook-jeans-millinery

760- Discern the convergent words: running-walking-slum red-away-grey frog-red-dog

761-What do these words have in common? mammoth-Aleutian-samoyed

762- Discern the convergent words: unused-green-breath grey-guitar-sea milk-oil-shell

763-What do these words have in common? pagan-raving-align

764- Discern the convergent words: root-soup-stick knife-pepper-cheese bread-grass-whiskey

765-Name a 4 word palindromic phrase that could describe humor at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

766- Discern the convergent words: up-maker-down blue-car-rain rack-sack-pea

:767-What do these words have in common? roust-raising-garage

768- Discern the convergent words: fat-garden-soup brandy-state-tree boy-nut-money

769- Name a 2 word palindromic phrase that describes an arid exploring admiral

770- Discern the convergent words: bill-saber-water hill-station-sting black-dive-sea

771-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means shortstop atheist

772- Discern the convergent words: condition-disease-hyper picking-gay-blue bet-bone-to

773-What do these words have in common? cootie-cassowary-amok

774-Di-Discern the convergent wordsscern the convergent words:beat-eye-sing flash-out-saddle golden-watering-candy

775-What do these words have in common? cheroot-pariah-catamaran-mulligatawny

776-Discern the convergent words:aired-wife-fin hop-tape-thwart bread-grass-whiskey

777-What do these words have in common? stage-location-car-comment-ours

778-Discern the convergent words:cargo-sweat-bossy hit-buckle-way shop-trade-fox

779-Name a Mideast country that is found in the non border are of a European capital

780-Discern the convergent words:up-drums-led complain-by-stone cigarette-back-dung

781-Name 2 words of at least 9 letters where every letters appears in the 2nd half of alphabet

782-Discern the convergent words:money-monkey-line land-bar-girl old-pole-salad-

783-What do these words have in common? basement-intuit- hideouts

784-Discern the convergent words: away-per-wood sour-store-sauce holy-hole-fire

785-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means tolerant touchy feely writing

786-Discern the convergent words:green-nut-sweet ration-house-imp top-cake-juice

787-What do these 9 lettered words have in common? divergent-broadside-shuddered-rehearsal

788-Discern the convergent words:pond-old-table Irish-mug-break cutter-smart-jar

789-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means large but slender ice mass

790-Discern the convergent words:bump-iron-pump grease-guard-nudge tease-cage-eye

791What do these words have in common? thus-ruby-continent

792-Discern the convergent words:bucking-radio-need pie-belly-salt back-Canadian-sandwich

793-What do these words have in common? rigid-spoonfed-shift

794 Discern the convergent words: radish-gift-collar book-hole-ear kin-skin-stones

795-Name a 2 word palindromic phrase that refers to a museum of slime

796 -Discern the convergent words:ice-ring-bag shed-color-bridge wood-corn-away

797-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means slandering of women by men

798-Discern the convergent words: horse-over-print bicycle-crash-safety fancy-under-long

799-Name a 2 word anagrammatic phrase that means students make mistakes

800 -Discern the convergent words:uncle-bot-a skin-bell-dog paper-shark-Tamil